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Introducing the ICCC 2017 Jury

Jurymitglied: Marjukka Riihimäki (Kopie)

Marjukka Riihimäki

Marjukka Riihimäki has had a distinguished career as a choral conductor, especially in training young people. She directed the Sibelius High School Chamber Choir in Helsinki for 30 years, and the Philomela and Grex Musicus choirs founded by her have won acclaim in many competitions. The former won the Grand Prix at the Tampere Vocal Music Festival in 2001 (Philomela), the latter in 2005 (Grex Musicus), and Philomela the 2014 Female Chamber Choir championship in Riga.

On her retirement, Marjukka Riihimäki also began working with elderly and persons in sheltered housing suffering from memory loss. She trains choirs and serves on juries both in Finland and abroad.In November 2009, the Finnish President Tarja Halonen awarded her the prestigious honorary title of Musiikkineuvos for her services to music.

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