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International Masterclass for Choral Conductors from countries on the DAC list

Masterclass for conductors from countries on the DAC list

International Chamber Choir Competition and International Masterclass with Competition for Choral Conductors
Scholarship Programme for conductors

The Scholarship Programme
The Goethe Institute enables five to eight choral conductors from countries on the DAC list of the BMZ to participate in the International Masterclass and Competition for Choral Conducting and the International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf. Furthermore, a participation in the lessons of the main class for choral conducting at the Hochschule für Musik Saar with Prof. Georg Grün from May 24th to June 4th 2023 (Arrival May 23rd / Departure June 5th2023) will be provided.
Travel, board, lodging and sheet music are also part of the scholarship.

Target Group
The scholarship program is aimed at experienced choral conductors from countries on the DAC list of the BMZ who want to improve their knowledge and skills with outstanding experts at a high level. They should have studied choral conducting or have already reached the end of their studies.

The application period ended on 02/28/2023 and participants are currently being selected and will be notified by mail no later than 04/14/2013.


23.05.2023  Arrival in Germany
24.05.2023 - 26.05.2023 Participation in classes of the main class Chordirigieren, Hochschule für Musik Saar, Saarbrücken
26.05.2023 Travel from Saarbrücken to Marktoberdorf
26.05.2023 - 31.05.2023 Attendance of the International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf
31.05.2023 - 04.06.2023 Participation in the International Masterclass for Choral Conducting Marktoberdorf
05.06.2023 Departure

Stay in the main class for choral conducting, Saarbrücken

The scholarship holders are allowed to take part in the lessons of the main class of choral conducting with Prof. Georg Grün for two days.

Visit International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf
The scholarship recipients have the opportunity to participate in all concerts and competitions. In addition, they will have a talk with the artistic director Jürgen Budday, who will give them an insight into the work on site, as well as an opportunity talk with a juror.

International Masterclass for Choral Conducting
On May 31st at around 12 noon, a first lunch together will take place at the Bavarian Music Academy Marktoberdorf.
Afterwards, all participants of the Masterclass will have to audition, and it will be decided who may participate actively and who passively in the Masterclass.

Active participants:
The 10 active participants will take part in two „main choir rehearsals“ each day (11:00-13:00 and 16:00-18:00). These are divided so that one rehersal is led by Gary Graden and one by Prof. Georg Grün. In these two hours, 3-5 people (the first two days) or 2-3 (the second two days) are allowed to conduct.
They also attend the preparations for the rehearsals and the lectures in the evening.

Passive participants:
The 10 passive participants watch the rehearsals from the background and analyse them with the leader who is not running the rehearsal.
They take part in the lectures in the evening, too.

On June 2nd, a second audition takes place, after which 4-6 persons may continue to participate actively and 14-16 persons passively in the masterclass. The remaining active participants may conduct at the Masterclass final concert on June 4th, 2023. Afterwards, the winners will receive a prize. After breakfast on June 5th, all the participants will leave.

• Conducting techniques
• Vocal training
• Vocal and register coaching. Working on a specific choral sound
• Intensive training with the musical pieces, which will have been prepared before the seminar
• Familiarisation of choral scores
• Contact to other choir directors on an international level
• Presentation of what has been learned and selection of the winner of the competition at the final concert

Jury of the Conducting Competition
• Gary Graden
• Prof. Georg Grün
• Prof. Jürgen Budday (Artistic Director of the International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf )
• Hyunju Kwon
• A representative of the choir

3rd prize: Participation in the Summerschool of the Musikhochschule Saarbrücken 2023
2nd prize: Hospitation Zürcher Sing-Akademie (enquired)
1st prize: Hospitation and assistance Masterclass ICCC 2025

Accommodation will be provided in hotels or in the Bavarian Music Academy Marktoberdorf (partly in
shared rooms). Accommodation is arranged by the host.
Kurfürstenstraße 19
87616 Marktoberdorf

Travel and transport
Travel to and from Germany will be organised by the organiser in consultation with the scholarship holder.
All travel and transport within Germany is also organised by the host.

The scholarship holders will receive a daily allowance in Saarbrücken, which they can use for their independent
boarding. During the International Chamber Choir Competition, meals will be provided in the
accommodation or together with the choirs of the competition. During the International Masterclass, all
participants will be boarded together at the Bavarian Music Academy Marktoberdorf.

All events will be held in German and English.

A reader with all scores will be sent to all participants after registration. This should be brought to the masterclass
in printed or digital form.

For the participants of the scholarship programme, the costs for travel, food, accommodation, entrance
fees as well as sheet music material incurred during and within the framework of the scholarship programme
will be covered.


Event organiser
MODfestivals e.V. /
International Chamber Choir Competition
Kemptener Str. 4
D 87616 Marktoberdorf
Tel.: +49 8342 / 420 48 14

in Cooperation with:
Goethe-Institut, Bayerische Musikakademie Marktoberdorf and Hochschule für Musik Saar

DAC list of the BMZ:




Personal information
First name*
Family name*
Phone number*

After your registration, please send us your musical CV and a video of your own conducting via WeTransfer, Dropbox or something similar to

Your data will only be used to process your enquiry and will not be passed on to third parties. Further information in our privacy policy.

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