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Neuigkeiten rund um das Kammerchorfestival

International Masterclass for Choral Conducting Marktoberdorf

International Masterclass for Choral Conducting Marktoberdorf

Within the framework of the International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf, the International Masterclass for Choral Conducting will take place again this year. From 31.05. to 04.06.2023 experienced choral conductors, who want to improve their knowledge and skills on a high level, will meet the masters of their profession. The Masterclass and the Conducting Competition will be led by Prof. Georg Grün (Germany) and Gary Graden (Sweden). The studio choir will be a participant choir of the 18th International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf. Venue and partner is the Bavarian Music Academy Marktoberdorf.

However, those who do not yet dare to actively participate in a high-level masterclass for choral conducting, or those who do not wish to take part in a competition, can still be present and look over the shoulders of the masters and students with a passive participation. Two "main choir rehearsals" will be held daily, during which the active participants will conduct. The passive participants join in these rehearsals and sit with the respective non-leading faculty member, who analyzes the work on stage with them. In addition, every evening there are lectures by the lecturers in which the passive participants can take part.

Passive participants may not actively audition to receive feedback on their conducting, but they can learn a lot and gain new impressions during the masterclass and talks with the lecturers. They can learn new conducting techniques and exchange ideas with other choir conductors on an international level. To passively participate in the Masterclass, you can register now until April 28, 2023 at the latest at

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